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Interloc Solutions Blog

Interested in anything & everything Maximo? Subscribe to the Interloc Solutions 100% Maximo blog to stay up-to-date on the latest IBM Maximo news.

Blog Feature

Maximo | SCCD | Offerings | How-to Instructions

By: Scott Peluso
January 11th, 2020

In the new IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD), there are very good Service Catalog and offerings applications that you can take advantage of and use in a production environment. In this blog, Interloc's Pete Morell shows you how to create a Service Catalog offering and add it to a catalog.

Blog Feature

Maximo | maximo transportation | Europe

By: Scott Peluso
July 21st, 2016

The European Rail Summit is the premier rail transportation industry event of the year for European Maximo users and prospects. The Summit was held in Utrecht, The Netherlands on Monday and Tuesday June 20th and 21st, and was graciously hosted by Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Rail). The Rail Summit created an essential opportunity for rail providers and Maximo rail vendors to meet and discuss the very specific needs that the transportation industry has. As a key sponsor, Interloc provided presentations on two topics that are extremely important to rail implementations of Maximo – Mobile Solutions and Proofs of Concept.

Blog Feature

Maximo | IBM Maximo 7.6

By: Scott Peluso
May 7th, 2015

IBM released Maximo 7.6 in late 2014. Maximo 7.6 concentrates primarily on improving the Maximo user interface to make it more engaging, easy to navigate and simpler to understand.

Blog Feature

Awards | Maximo | Business Partner

By: Scott Peluso
July 23rd, 2014

Undoubtedly there is a baseline for the credentials you look for in a Maximo consulting services organization. These baseline credentials could be: Does the company have Gold technical accreditation (formerly AAA)? Have they done what I need done with Maximo somewhere before? Do they understand my industry?

Blog Feature

Maximo | Security | Authentication

By: Scott Peluso
March 24th, 2014

Whether you are tasked with protecting customer services, corporate and customer data, or day-to-day operations, ensuring that employees in your organization have the appropriate access level is a large part of your overall company security strategy.

Blog Feature

Mobile | Maximo

By: Scott Peluso
August 16th, 2013

Recently, Gretchen Gallagher, Interloc's Vice President of Strategic Relationships was invited to participate in an IBM Video, The Rise of Mobile.