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Interloc Solutions Blog

Interested in anything & everything Maximo? Subscribe to the Interloc Solutions 100% Maximo blog to stay up-to-date on the latest IBM Maximo news.

Blog Feature

IBM Maximo

By: Jeff Kish
August 13th, 2020

Introduction I recently ran into an integration where the requirements led me to developing a design where an invocation channel was the best route to synchronously accessing an external financial Mitchell Humphrey web service. The requirements included:

Blog Feature

IBM Maximo | Blog | Maximo Log

By: Martin Nichol
June 18th, 2018

I recently needed to diagnose out of memory problems with Maximo. There is some information in the Maximo logs that can help. Maximo can display mbo counts and free memory information. Maximo will also log the number of active users and when crons execute.

Blog Feature

IBM Maximo | IBM Maximo Web Service Logging | Web Service Logging

By: Martin Nichol
August 18th, 2016

Web services have made a lot of things easier, and a lot of things better. They make it possible to integrate other applications with IBM Maximo without the hassle of providing, and keeping up to date, a jar file of business objects to use with RMI. Maximo also makes creating web services very easy. From the Integration -> Web Services Library application, it is possible to create web services from an Object Structure, an Enterprise Service, or from a Service Class.

Blog Feature

IBM Maximo | Maximo for Oil & Gas 7.5 | Maximo 7.5 | Managing Isolations in Maximo

By: Scott Peluso
June 10th, 2014

This week’s blog post comes from Brad Knowles, Interloc’s Vice President of Canadian Operations. Brad has more than 20 year’s experience working with Asset Management software. Brad spends a large percentage of his time in Calgary where he focuses on the Oil & Gas sector, working with clients such as Cenovus, Connacher Oil, Legacy Oil, Encana, and Athabasca Oil.

Blog Feature

Maximo | Maximo Support | IBM Maximo

By: Scott Peluso
January 21st, 2013

Ahh IBM Maximo... we love it because it does so much.....but that incredible flexibility and configurability could become a challenge and sometimes the need for quick Maximo support arises.

Blog Feature

Maximo Licenses | IBM Maximo

By: Scott Peluso
August 28th, 2012

A few weeks ago, I shared that IBM will be changing the way Maximo is licensed. Those changes went into affect today. Read the official announcement here. And they're good.