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Frequently Answered Questions

Is Mobile Informer validated by IBM?

If I upgrade Maximo, will Mobile Informer still work?

How is Mobile Informer Licensed?

What additional hardware do I need to support Mobile Informer?

Can I use Mobile Informer in a hosted or SaaS Maximo Environment?

What are your licensing terms and conditions?

Technical FAQs

Can I modify the app myself? Does Mobile Informer come with an SDK or IDE?

I created a cloned Work Order application or created a custom application and MBOs. Will Mobile Informer support that?

Can Mobile Informer be used with other Enterprise Applications?

Does Mobile Informer support real-time field validations? That is, if a user accidentally types in CMN instead of CM for Work Type, will Mobile Informer notify me?

Does Mobile Informer support real-time field lookups?

Can Mobile Informer reuse Maximo security restrictions?

Can Mobile Informer work with Maximo workflows?

How does Mobile Informer handle batch processing or large amounts of updates?

Does Mobile Informer track Maximo sessions?

Will Mobile Informer support multiple sites?

Will Mobile Informer support users that need access to large amounts of data?

What makes Mobile Informer a true offline mobility solution?

What do you mean by equal experience?

What is an offline seamless transition?

What is real-time / opportunistic synchronization?

What do you mean by a reliable and transparent transaction?

Does Mobile Informer require any new Maximo Integrations?

Learn more about the Mobile Informer Platform

Request a demo of Mobile Informer