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Interloc Solutions Blog

Interested in anything & everything Maximo? Subscribe to the Interloc Solutions 100% Maximo blog to stay up-to-date on the latest IBM Maximo news.

Blog Feature

Mobile | Maximo

By: Scott Peluso
August 16th, 2013

Recently, Gretchen Gallagher, Interloc's Vice President of Strategic Relationships was invited to participate in an IBM Video, The Rise of Mobile.

Blog Feature

Maximo | Maximo Licensing | Compliance

By: Scott Peluso
February 26th, 2013

Over the course of many conversations with clients, it is apparent that Maximo Licensing is an important topic of conversation. The answer to what licenses (and how many) varies greatly depending on whether you are expanding a Maximo implementation to include Maximo Add-Ons or Maximo Industry Solutions or embarking on a brand new Maximo implementation.

Blog Feature

Maximo | Maximo Support | IBM Maximo

By: Scott Peluso
January 21st, 2013

Ahh IBM Maximo... we love it because it does so much.....but that incredible flexibility and configurability could become a challenge and sometimes the need for quick Maximo support arises.

Blog Feature

Maximo | Interloc Solutions | Java | WebSphere | Debug | WebLogic | Eclipse

By: Greg Dukelow
May 5th, 2011

Updated: April 6, 2020 by Jeff Kish Many implementations of Maximo include a good bit of custom written Java code. When the code works, life is great and everyone is happy. However, as most of us know, that is not often the case, and then you are stuck searching log files for debug statements.