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Utilities require a robust asset management solution and mobility without compromise. They need IBM Maximo and Mobile Informer.

The Asset Management Solution for All Utilities

IBM Maximo for Utilities allows you to consolidate multiple work and asset management practices into a single database — including transmission, distribution, power generation, water and wastewater treatment, vehicle fleet, facilities, and IT — while meeting regulatory compliance.

Find out why 14 of the 20 largest power generation utilities in the world use Maximo.



Maximo provides Energy companies the ability to consolidate multiple management solutions into a single platform, while focusing support on industry specific needs, like Compatible Unit Estimating. When augmented with Interloc’s Mobile Informer, Maximo Energy clients can harness true mobility and employ all of Maximo all of the time, regardless of connectivity.

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Oil & Gas

IBM Maximo solutions for Oil and Gas provide essential technological tools for an industry that regularly faces ever-evolving and complex issues. Mobile Informer enhances those tools, providing real-time field data for optimal insight and efficiency.

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Water & Wastewater

Interloc’s Mobile Informer solutions aids IBM’s Maximo Asset Management in providing critical insight to monitoring and maintaining the health of  water utility systems. With Maximo in the field, companies are capable of more informed decision making that can extend the life of water utility assets.

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Health, Safety & Environment

Invest in your workforce with Maximo HSE. IBM Maximo Health, Safety, and Environment Manager integrates health, safety, and work-environment processes with asset management, providing best practices to reduce overall risk at operational facilities. 

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Learn More About how Maximo can Work for Utilities - Contact us Today

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