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Interloc Solutions Blog

Interested in anything & everything Maximo? Subscribe to the Interloc Solutions 100% Maximo blog to stay up-to-date on the latest IBM Maximo news.

Scott Peluso

Scott Peluso is Vice President, Customer Support & Cloud Services for Interloc. With a focus on client success, he oversees Product Support, Managed Services, and Hosting operations to Interloc’s clients. Scott also leads Interloc’s cloud infrastructure, internal IT services, and product Marketing. Scott has worked with Maximo Asset Management for over 27 years, first starting as a Maximo Systems Support analyst at PSDI. Throughout his career, Scott has supported thousands of clients implementing Maximo. Prior to joining Interloc, Scott was the Business Unit Executive for IBM’s Internet of Things division leading all Support delivery for the Maximo, Rational, and TRIRIGA portfolios.

Blog Feature

EAM | asset management solution | Maximo Enterprise Asset Management Solutions | water utilities

By: Scott Peluso
December 12th, 2013

Most people understand the potential operational benefits for having smarter energy resources, but what about the impact for maintaining the health of a water utility system? Improving water and wastewater utility conditions can go a long way in helping the industry reduce life cycle costs, minimize risks, and stay on top of specific regulatory conditions.

Blog Feature

asset management | oil and gas management

By: Scott Peluso
December 3rd, 2013

How can energy and petroleum organizations improve their asset management to improve service and maintenance levels? That’s the big question facing plant and maintenance operators. The ability to understand their current asset conditions plays a major role in finding the answer.

Blog Feature

Mobile | Maximo

By: Scott Peluso
August 16th, 2013

Recently, Gretchen Gallagher, Interloc's Vice President of Strategic Relationships was invited to participate in an IBM Video, The Rise of Mobile.

Blog Feature

Maximo | Maximo Licensing | Compliance

By: Scott Peluso
February 26th, 2013

Over the course of many conversations with clients, it is apparent that Maximo Licensing is an important topic of conversation. The answer to what licenses (and how many) varies greatly depending on whether you are expanding a Maximo implementation to include Maximo Add-Ons or Maximo Industry Solutions or embarking on a brand new Maximo implementation.

Blog Feature

Maximo | Maximo Support | IBM Maximo

By: Scott Peluso
January 21st, 2013

Ahh IBM Maximo... we love it because it does so much.....but that incredible flexibility and configurability could become a challenge and sometimes the need for quick Maximo support arises.

Blog Feature

Maximo Licenses | IBM Maximo

By: Scott Peluso
August 28th, 2012

A few weeks ago, I shared that IBM will be changing the way Maximo is licensed. Those changes went into affect today. Read the official announcement here. And they're good.