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Interloc Solutions Blog

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Blog Feature

Interloc Solutions | EAM

By: Scott Peluso
May 1st, 2018

Interloc Solutions and EAM Software today announced the availability of a solution which allows IBM Maximo Asset Management customers the ability to significantly improve their data management capabilities and processes. EAM’s Data Management Tool for Maximo streamlines and reduces Maximo operational and deployment costs. The solution simplifies data integration through the use of standard Microsoft Excel for importing and exporting and is fully integrated into the Maximo application and security framework.

Blog Feature

EAM | asset management solution | Maximo Enterprise Asset Management Solutions | water utilities

By: Scott Peluso
December 12th, 2013

Most people understand the potential operational benefits for having smarter energy resources, but what about the impact for maintaining the health of a water utility system? Improving water and wastewater utility conditions can go a long way in helping the industry reduce life cycle costs, minimize risks, and stay on top of specific regulatory conditions.