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Interloc Solutions Blog

Interested in anything & everything Maximo? Subscribe to the Interloc Solutions 100% Maximo blog to stay up-to-date on the latest IBM Maximo news.

Blog Feature

By: Reginald Oake
January 10th, 2023

So, you’ve just finished implementing a series of integrations so Maximo can play its part in a set of enterprise-wide business processes. Work orders, assets, POs, GL accounts, labor and inventory transactions, and so forth are flowing back and forth with few, if any, errors when the following conversation occurs….

Blog Feature

By: Reginald Oake
December 15th, 2022

As an IBM Maximo™ administrator and developer, I’m often interested in seeing how well Maximo is running. In olden times (say, before 2020) I could simply log into WebSphere or pull up Task Manager (top in Linux) to see basic information on JVMs, memory and CPU usage and view JVM and Maximo logs.

Blog Feature

By: Jay Mashburn
November 1st, 2022

While Maximo Manage within the Maximo Application Suite (MAS) will certainly look familiar to Maximo 7.6.1.x users, there are several nuances that come along with IBM’s latest innovation. One such change is a slight difference in user creation and authentication for Maximo (Manage). With the advent of the latest version of MAS 8.8/Manage 8.4, the user creation process has been modified, and to alleviate any unnecessary confusion, I’m going to show what you need to know and walk you through this new process.

Blog Feature


By: Jay Mashburn
August 10th, 2022

Summer has always been a great time to get out and explore or find time to focus on potential improvements. This Summer, why not do both with Interloc Solutions?

Blog Feature

By: Lowell Beaudoin
May 31st, 2022

What is Critical Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, and Supply Chains? If you support or are in a critical infrastructure industry a strong cybersecurity foundation should be top of mind for all your assets. In today's digital age more than ever nefarious actors are wanting to run espionage and sabotage campaigns against you. But what is critical infrastructure and how does this fit into the Maximo world? Critical infrastructure is defined as "assets, systems, and network, whether physical or virtual, considered so vital to the United States that any impact or destruction to them would have a major impact on national security, economic security, or our nation’s public health." There are 16 sectors to critical infrastructure they are:

Blog Feature

By: Jay Mashburn
May 5th, 2022

A few years ago, Maximo introduced Inspection Forms as part of the Work Center capabilities. Inspection forms are quite powerful when utilized appropriately and can simplify and streamline your inspection process. With this capability, Inspections can now be Preventative Maintenance (PM) driven, with the Inspection and results able to be stored within a work order.