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Interloc Solutions Blog

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Ben Howell

Blog Feature

By: Ben Howell
February 7th, 2022

Anyone that’s ever worked with Maximo for any amount of time has almost certainly interacted with a Start Center in some way, shape or form. Extend your Maximo interaction timeline out a little bit, and you’ve probably worked with them a lot. Maybe you’ve read some other blog about “Start Center Best Practices”. What most people seem skip over, or maybe just gloss over, is what NOT to do with a Start Center. Often times, it’s easy to get caught up in creating something for a Start Center that sounds great on paper, but then rapidly starts to diminish the Start Center’s inherit value. What is that “inherit value” you might ask? It’s always going to be quick access to relevant data for the users. Always… Anything that is not “quick” and “relevant” should be looked at as not adding value to the user and avoided.