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Scott Peluso

By: Scott Peluso on August 28th, 2012

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New Maximo License Metrics Announced

Maximo Licenses | IBM Maximo

maximo_license_terms_200A few weeks ago, I shared that IBM will be changing the way Maximo is licensed.  Those changes went into affect today. Read the official announcement here. And they're good.

These changes come in the wake of customer and business partner communications, and in response to the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) marketplace in general. From a 2-tier to 3-tier pricing model to limited use licensing for Maximo industry solutions, these are changes that can potentially affect your business.

Kim Waterman Beck, Interloc's Manager of Business Development, put together a handy e-guide to these sweeping changes to Maximo licensing.  Check it out today.


About Scott Peluso

Scott Peluso is Vice President, Customer Support & Cloud Services for Interloc. With a focus on client success, he oversees Product Support, Managed Services, and Hosting operations to Interloc’s clients. Scott also leads Interloc’s cloud infrastructure, internal IT services, and product Marketing. Scott has worked with Maximo Asset Management for over 27 years, first starting as a Maximo Systems Support analyst at PSDI. Throughout his career, Scott has supported thousands of clients implementing Maximo. Prior to joining Interloc, Scott was the Business Unit Executive for IBM’s Internet of Things division leading all Support delivery for the Maximo, Rational, and TRIRIGA portfolios.