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Scott Peluso

By: Scott Peluso on March 11th, 2020

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Product Update: Mobile Informer Inventory Management version 1.1

Informer Inventory Management

A new version of Informer Inventory Management (iIM) has been released. Version 1.1 enables accurate tracking and usage of Inventory Reservations against Work Orders, preventing users from issuing inventory that has been reserved, and affording users the flexibility to fill those reservations from the stock that is available.

In addition, this version provides a number of fixes throughout the 

apps on both iOS and Android, especially around configuration and Receiving PO Lines. 

  • Support for tracking and consuming hard and soft inventory reservations 
  • Enhanced support for picking Materials planned against a Work Order


Android Specific Items

  • Enable ZPL-based label printing configuration via JSON config file 
  • Corrected behavior around receiving POLines that are complete, or for other storerooms
  • Corrected behavior around when and which Shipment Lines are available for selection when Receiving 
  • Accurately show units of measure throughout the app
  • Enable user to optionally specify Lot Number when Receiving
  • Fixed a number of issues related data retention on screen rotation

iOS Specific Items

  • Support for inactivity timeout
  • Added field length validation for various text entry fields
  • Fixed support for JSON configuration file changes on login
  • Corrected behavior around Receiving Purchase Order Lines with multiple revisions
  • Prevent submitting a transaction multiple times by pressing “Done” quickly 
  • Allow non-numeric To Lot text entry when Receiving
  • Limit Work Order Search by barcode scanning to only the currently selected site

If you would like to obtain this important update for Informer Inventory Management, please contact Interloc Support. Due to the nature of these updates and fixes, a discussion is warranted to ensure your system is properly updated.

About Scott Peluso

Scott Peluso is Vice President, Customer Support & Cloud Services for Interloc. With a focus on client success, he oversees Product Support, Managed Services, and Hosting operations to Interloc’s clients. Scott also leads Interloc’s cloud infrastructure, internal IT services, and product Marketing. Scott has worked with Maximo Asset Management for over 27 years, first starting as a Maximo Systems Support analyst at PSDI. Throughout his career, Scott has supported thousands of clients implementing Maximo. Prior to joining Interloc, Scott was the Business Unit Executive for IBM’s Internet of Things division leading all Support delivery for the Maximo, Rational, and TRIRIGA portfolios.