Maximo Application Suite Licensing
Are you?
- Looking to purchase or budget for your Maximo 7.6.1.X Trade Up to MAS AppPoints now?
- Renewing or reinstating your annual Maximo 7.6.1.X Support and want to incorporate your MAS Trade Up?
- Looking at all MAS options because your current Maximo Token or Software Subscription term contract is expiring?
- In need of assistance in interpreting the MAS utility to understand your next steps and MAS AppPoint needs?
- Wanting to create or understand your MAS AppPoints User Set Up and Configuration options?
- In need of more/new MAS App Points?
- In need of an IBM MAS Technology based Interloc Product Solution that is highly secure, accessible and designed to meet your organization’s specific needs?
If you answered yes to any one of these, please connect with Interloc.

Interloc is in a very unique position as a provider of IBM MAS Technology.
As an IBM Platinum Certified Partner/ Reseller of MAS and MAS Trade Ups AND an IBM Embedded Solutions Agreement (ESA) Provider- that innovates with IBM MAS Technology delivering proven, secure, and powerful Interloc Product Solutions- Interloc will be able to address your MAS needs.
Interloc’s esteemed MAS Client Solution Architects, Functional Analysts, and Business Team will meet with you one on one to:
- Analyze your current licensing position and needs, provide a breakdown, and show you your path forward.
- Make functional user efficiency recommendations as needed.
- Guide you through your Trade Up and/or Configuration of MAS Licensing.
- Ensure your MAS App Points Licensing Success.
Important IBM Software Licensing Links to IBM Maximo 7.6.1.X and IBM MAS Dates and Licensing to keep at hand-
IBM Maximo Asset Management documentation - IBM Documentation
AppPoints for customer-managed Maximo Application Suite