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By: Jeremy Rempel on December 5th, 2017

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Mobile Informer is highly scalable and fully encrypted

Mobile Informer | Maximo Mobile | Maximo Mobility | IBM Mobile Informer

When deciding to expand Maximo usage to a mobile deployment, one of the primary considerations is ensuring the system will be both scalable and secure. Delivering data updates securely is important. Mobile Informer uses TLS transport encryption end to end. Supporting a complete offline experience requires supporting all of the Maximo business rules and supporting data by preemptively synchronizing all relevant data.

To illustrate the example; an example work order application may allow a user to create offline work orders with the following fields:

  • description (free text)
  • asset (lookup on asset)
  • location (lookup on location)
  • parent wo (lookup on work order)
  • worktype (lookup on worktype)
  • owner (lookup on person)

Not all data needs to be synchronized to all users, so it is often divided into groups such as:

  • System wide catalog data (eg person, worktype, locations, assets)
  • Group User specific data (work orders within a group, location, or area of responsibility)
  • User specific data (work orders that owned by user such as assignments)

Some of the key considerations when considering scaling a mobile system:

  • What is the total amount of records that will need to synchronized to device?
    • Mobile Informer has been tested to support millions of records
  • How many relevant updates are being performed in the source system Maximo that will need to be replicated to the mobile devices on an ongoing basis? If a single record changes will the entire data set be invalidated and need to be resynced?
    • Mobile Informer has been tested to support hundreds of thousands of updates daily. Only the details are synchronized from the server
  • How many mobile devices are connecting and synchronizes data concurrently?
    • Mobile Informer has been tested with over 4000 concurrent devices
  • How many transactions will the users be creating from the mobile device?
    • Mobile Informer has been tested to support hundreds of thousands of transactions daily
  • When a new update occurs in Maximo how long will it take to reach the device?
    • Updates from Maximo are synchronized to the relevant devices within seconds
  • Will the system support a flexible data model that is adaptive and customizable to my needs?
    • Mobile Informer is designed to interact with any MBO whether it is out of box, industry solution or custom

To learn more about Mobile Informer visit www.mobileinformer.com, or Request a Demo of Mobile Informer.

Mobile Informer is the proven mobile solution for IBM Maximo, providing the highest degree of flexibility to meet all your mobile needs for Maximo. Mobile Informer delivers fully encrypted, highly scalable, out of the box apps and focused purpose-built apps that run on iOS, Android or Windows devices.