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By: Martin Nichol on March 31st, 2016

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Leidos: Problem Solving with Maximo in the Federal Space

Datasheets | Interloc | InterConnect 2016

Problem_Solving_Maximo_in_Federal_Space.pngLeidos: Problem Solving with Maximo in the Federal Space

Join R.T. Carter, Leidos, and Jason VenHuizen, Interloc Solutions, as they discuss the implementation of a high-value enterprise asset management (EAM) solution.




About Martin Nichol

Martin Nichol has a computer science degree from Western University (formerly University of Western Ontario). He has been with Interloc for 10 years. He has created a Maximo testing framework based on JUnit that permits running unit tests in a Maximo instance within Eclipse. He also created a Maximo/Twitter integration that can send tweets and create Service Requests from tweets.