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Maximo Application Suite Functionality

Enhance your operations with IBM Maximo Application Suite

Maximo Application Suite (MAS) is a set of applications for asset monitoring, management, predictive maintenance and reliability planning. There are many other MAS applications that can help your organization get the most out of your investment. Since you will be embarking on a best of breed enterprise asset management system, you will need to develop a roadmap to get more out of your MAS investment. Other MAS components include but not limited to:

  • MAS Manage is based off the legacy Maximo 7.6.1.x application that will be familiar to most. It continues to provide a comprehensive view of all your assets, conditions and locations and the work processes to support them for optimal planning, control, audit and compliance.

  • MAS Health delivers dashboards of the health of your assets through configurable contributors to provide scores with health, criticality and risk of your assets based on data throughout MAS.

  • MAS Monitor takes in your Asset iOT sensor readings providing analytic functions to input data that will provide output in the form of intuitive value cards, tables, images, line graphs and alert tables.

  • MAS Predict uses predictive models to help you predict various predicted values of your asset such as estimated time to failure, probability of a failure occurring within a window, historical trend of failure probability scores, the probability of end of life failure for an asset, anomalies that have occurred and the trend of anomaly scores of your assets over time.

Enroll in the IBM Partnership Business Value Added (BVA) services to guide you to leveraging the full features of MAS.


Interloc can help you with an assessment to provide you a MAS roadmap.

Connect with Interloc to Learn More About Maximo Application Suite