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Uncover the Hidden Potential of Mobility in your Business

As the need for mobility grows, organizations must to search for solutions that not only provide mobile information to remote workers, but also offer service in a smart, cost-effective way. As a mobile platform that works within Maximo, Mobile Informer:

  • Requires no additional middleware and easily be downloaded to any portable iOS or Android device
  • Provides tracking and asset location, as well as data on job plans, safety guidelines, inventories, and repair histories
  • Has online and offline capabilities so workers aren’t tied to Wi-Fi connections
  • Performs seamlessly in real-time

Meet with an Interloc expert at IBM Pulse 2014 and obtain a detailed, customized roadmap of how your business can transform its productivity by implementing a mobile solution that mirrors your field workers’ exact processes. Fill out the form to the right to register your time!